LSC Weather Policy
The Louisville Soccer Club will follow the 30-minute rule when it comes to lightning and thunder. Please view full details here. Beyond this, practices and games will go on as planned, however, coaches and refs will make any other decisions to cancel if it is in the best interest of the players.
Do we have practice when it is raining, snowing, hailing, etc?
- The Louisville Soccer Club will only cancel practice in the event of thunder and lightning. It is recommended you show up at your...
When are games played for community soccer?
- All community games are played on Saturdays or Sundays (the majority of games will be played Saturdays from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm). Your child's coach or...
Can I request a specific community coach?
- The Louisville Soccer Club uses a computerized random team selection which helps mitigate unequal teams skill-wise. The club hosts a Coaches Meeting two to...