

When are games played for community soccer?

  • All community games are played on Saturdays or Sundays (the majority of games will be played Saturdays from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm). Your child's coach or Team Parent will hand out game schedules during your first practice sessions.  

When are games played for travel soccer?

  • Your child's coach or Team Parent will have a copy of the schedule for you during one of their early season practices. If you are not able to locate the game schedule, please contact the Travel Coordinator at

Are games canceled due to weather?

  • Games and practices are only canceled in the event of thunder and lightning. It is recommended to show up at your game field on time and allow the coaches to make the decision on the field.  If you have any questions, contact the Coaches Coordinator at

What do I do if I do not agree with a referee's call?

  • Referees are an easy target for our frustration and anger when we do not agree with the outcome of a game.  The Louisville Soccer Club recognizes that sometimes referees will make the right call and other times they will miss or make the wrong calls.  It is part of the game and we would like for all parents and family members to restrain from criticizing referees.  See our Code of Conduct documentation.  

Which side of the jersey is home? Which side is away?

  • Home is the blue and Away is the white jersey.

How early before a game should I have my child at the fields?

  • The Louisville Soccer Club recommends players arrive a half-hour before games to stretch, warm-up and listen to any instructions from the head coach.  Arrival times may be subject to change depending on each individual team's coach.  Please ask your child's coach to confirm at what time the players are expected to be at the fields on game days.

Where should we park when attending games at Metzger Park?

  • Parents, family members, coaches, referees, and any other spectator driving to a game or practice are encouraged to use the parking lot at Metzger Park to park their vehicles.  The local police department and park security do not want anyone parking along the grass at the entrance or perimeter of Metzger Park.  The police department and park security have threatened to tow away vehicles parked along the grass, so please refrain from parking anywhere other than the parking lot.  Overflow parking is available at the Louisville High School on the other side of Nickelplate Street.  As always, please watch your children as they cross the street or as they make their way to the soccer fields. 

My coach recommends my child play up a level, what does this mean?

  • At times some players pick up soccer skills quicker than others.  Some may be faster, more physical, and need to be challenged by playing up a division.  This recommendation will come from your child's coach and be validated by the Coaches Coordinator.  In the event the recommendation comes during the season, the child will be asked to finish the season at his/her current level and play up the following season. 

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Louisville Soccer Club
P.O. Box 426
Louisville, Ohio 44641


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